Old Saybrook’s Wild Side
June 26, 2021I cant count how many times I’ve wanted to catch a super moon as it rises over the horizon. The last super moon of 2021 was this past Thursday night June 24th, and I had the opportunity to get out after work and head down to the shoreline. With the help of a handy App, I calculated where exactly the moon would rise over Long Island Sound in Old Saybrook. The moon would rise at 8:51 over the water, and by 10:00pm it would pass just over a lighthouse, which was the shot I was ultimately planning for.
I had a few hours to kill before the moon was scheduled to rise, so I took advantage of the nice weather, and I got out on the tidal river on my Hobie. As usual, there were plenty of birds hanging around the river banks. Most notably, the Osprey’s were busy fishing and bringing home their fresh catches to the family. Their chicks are still pretty young and were audibly excited for Dad to return with a fresh catch.
There were also plenty of white egrets, ducks, geese, herons, and sand pipers to be found along the trip. Around every turn of the tidal river, there was a new surprise. After my short excursion, I had just enough time to grab Ben & Jerry’s and share in a few scoops with my 3 year old grandson, Gunnar. I shared a few of my kayaking bird stories with him, got his update from soccer camp, and then I was off again to catch the moon. Well… Just as I got into position, the clouds rolled in just enough to block out the moonrise, and my plans were a bust. However, I did get out on the water this day, found a cool way to track the moon and sun, and enjoyed a little Pfish Food of my own with the family. I hope you enjoyed some of my shots from this trip. :)